Technical information
M.S. theses 2011-2012:
- Telecommunication, A. Hay, pdf and addendum (in french).
- On-board computer, A. Dick, pdf (in french).
- Vibrations, G. Bodson, pdf (in french).
M.S. theses 2010-2011:
- On-Board Software, S. De Dijcker, pdf.
- On-Board Software, T. Langohr, pdf.
- Mechanisms, structure, and configuration; P. Martinelli, pdf.
- Thermal Control System, L. Dell'Elce, pdf.
- Dynamic Analysis, M. Bertha, pdf.
M.S. theses 2009-2010:
- Attitude control, V. François, pdf.
- Configuration and structural analysis, N. François, pdf.
- Thermal anaysis - design of a battery support, JP. Noël, pdf.
- Telecommunications, N. Marchal, pdf (in french).
- Telecommunication - RF part, L. Questiaux, pdf (in french).
- D-STAR repeater onboard OUFTI-1, N. Crosset, pdf (in french).
- Ground station software, NA. Nguyen, pdf.
M.S. theses 2008-2009:
Antennas deployment, J. Wertz, pdf (in French).
Electrical power system, P. Thirion, pdf.
Mission analysis and space flight simulation, V. Beukelaers, pdf.
On-board computer, D. Teney, pdf.
On-board measurements, N. Evrard, pdf (in French).
Passive attitude control, S. Hannay, pdf.
Structural analysis and configuration, G. Pierlot, pdf.
AX-25 protocol, J. Hardy, pdf (in French).
Thermal analysis, L. Jacques, pdf.
M.S. theses 2007-2008:
- D-STAR protocol, J. Pisane, pdf.
- Mission analysis, S. Galli.
Report of the feasilibity design phase (Phase A): pdf.